Teacher | Entrepreneur | Musician | Photographer
Welcome to my professional portfolio! Discover my diverse range of experiences, from working in various industries to my passion for teaching, photography, and music. Explore my past projects, achievements, and online classes by clicking the options in the top right corner of this page. If you want to collaborate, feel free to reach out to directly.
Currently accepting students, collaborations, & contract work opportunities.
A Little About Me
Welcome to my personal and professional journey! I am a Canadian entrepreneur, certified teacher, and proud alumni of the University of Waterloo, where I earned my Dean's Honours Degree in Speech Communications. With a wealth of experience in training, education, small business management, and sales, I am now embracing my wanderlust as a digital nomad, traveling to different countries every few months.
I am passionate about empowering individuals through the art of public speaking and the power of language. I offer public speaking workshops to people of all ages, and enroll students and working professionals in my comprehensive, exercise-based online ESL conversation classes.
When I am not teaching and growing my business, I explore my creative side through photography and music. My original song "Coming Home" can be found on all major streaming platforms and my photography portfolio and online web store can be accessed by clicking the link below.

My Teaching Services
Contact Me
Interested in any of my services? Get in touch with me through any major social media platform or email me directly...